Sonterra Residential Condominium Community, Inc.
P.O. Box 81
Jarrell, TX 76537
Admin: admin@louieone.com, ksmith@louieone.com
Billing: manager@louieone.com
Welcome to your new neighborhood! We are very happy that you have joined us!
Sonterra is a growing community located in Jarrell, Texas. To help you get the most out of your neighborhood, we would like to point out to you some important information about your condo community. Our Condo Association is governed by a number of important rules and regulations commonly referred to as CCR’s.
Several Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR’s) to keep in mind as an owner:
On Street Parking
No vehicle may be parked on any road or street within the Property unless in the event of an emergency. “Emergency” for purposes of the foregoing sentence shall mean an event which jeopardizes life or property. “Parked” as used herein shall be defined as a vehicle left unattended for more than thirty (30) consecutive minutes. For overnight parking purposes, vehicles shall be restricted to parking only in garages, driveways in front of garages or in parking spaces provided adjacent to streets. Vehicles found to be in violation of this rule are subject to towing at the vehicle owner’s expense.
Washing, repairs, restoration, or maintenance (including oil changes) of vehicles is prohibited on driveways, the private streets, and in the off-street parking areas, except for emergency repairs, and then only to the extent necessary to enable movement of the vehicle to a repair facility.
No vehicle may be parked in a manner that impedes or prevents ready access to the Property, driveways, sidewalks or parking spaces. No vehicle may obstruct the flow of traffic, constitute a nuisance, or otherwise create a safety hazard. No vehicle may be parked, even temporarily, in fire‐lanes or in any area designated as ʺNo Parking.ʺ Vehicles parked in violation of the Documents (including this provision) will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Because of the shortage of visitor parking within the Property, it is imperative that each Occupant use their garage for the parking of vehicles. An Occupant with a vehicle must use his garage for routine parking. No garage may be enclosed or used for any purpose that prevents the parking of the maximum number of vehicles for which it was constructed. Garage doors must be kept completely closed at all times, except when entering or exiting.
General Duty
Occupants will endeavor to keep the Property clean and will dispose of all refuse in receptacles designated specifically by the Association or by the city for that purpose. Occupants may NOT litter common elements.
Trash Container Storage
Trash containers and recycling bins must be stored in one of the following locations:
(i) inside the garage of the residence constructed; or
(ii) behind or on the side of a residence in such a manner that the trash container and recycling bin is not visible from any street, alley, or adjacent residence, e.g. behind a privacy fence or other appropriate screening.
Late Fees & Interest
If the Association does not receive full payment of a Regular Assessment by 5:00 p.m. on the fifth (5th) calendar day of the month, the Association may levy a late fee of $25 per month and/or interest of ten percent (10%) per annum from the first day of delinquency until the delinquency is paid in full. After the initial month of delinquency, a late fee of $25 may be on the first day of each month the account is delinquent until the account is current.
The Condo Association will give one (1) reminder (Courtesy Notice), before they will issue a fine.
For a complete list of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, (CCR’s) please see the SONTERRA CONDOMINIUMS COMMUNITY MANUAL when you purchased your home.
If you see a streetlight out, please call the power company know the pole number and cross street, and they will get it fixed.
Any outside modifications or additions to your property, i.e. change of paint color, sheds, patio covers, pools, etc will need to be submitted to the Condo Association for Architectural Board approval PRIOR to performing the work. Go to the website submit an architectural application with details and submit it to the manager at: manager@louieone.com.
Our Condo Community lies within the larger political Subdivision of Sonterra Municipal Utility District (Sonterra MUD). The MUD owns and manages the parks, pools and common area along major roadways. The MUD collects a Park-N-Rec fee to pay for the maintenance of these amenities. The MUD website www.sonterramud.org is a great source of community information. The MUD has monthly meetings on the 3rd Monday of every month. The current time of the meeting is at 6:30 PM.
If you have questions regarding the pool or clubhouse reservations, you will need to contact the pool at sonterrapool@gmail.com.
Below are a few helpful Facebook pages to help you stay in touch with the community:
Sonterra Rumors
Sonterra Community Pool
Jarrell Buy, Sell and Trade
Jarrell Chamber of Commerce
Jarrell CERT
Jarrell Independent School District
Thank you,
Louie Management